Trade Brexit With A Pro

UK Referendum Vote: To Brexit or not to Brexit.
June’s big event is finally almost here. If you are a Forex trader, you have no doubt received emails from your broker warning you of increased margin requirements for trading the GBP and EUR pairs. Economic analysts, financial guidance websites, the news – everywhere you turn you’ve been hearing about Brexit and what it could mean for the UK and Euro economy
What Brexit Means For You
The far-reaching implications of a leave ‘Brexit” vote are huge, but either way we are expecting huge swings in the Forex market one way or the other.
Word on the street is that the GBPUSD will drop from 1.4700 to 1.1500 if vote to exit prevails and if there is a vote to stay the GBPUSD will rally to 1.5600.
Your Invitation
We invite you to a 2 DAY FREE Forex Live Room trading event. Attendees will have the most up-to-date and LIVE news broadcast available. Watch and observe breaking news as it occurs and can also follow along as we trade the markets live each day.
The results of the UK vote is expected to be announced around 3-4 GMT on Friday and our Live Trading Room will be active at that time, following along with the event.
- Posted by Teri Patterson
- On June 21, 2016